Sometimes you do things that seem like a good idea at the time.
Earlier this month I hear, "Zoe, you'll play, won't you? We need a few more women for the football. It's the Phil Barnes Memorial. It'll be a laugh."
Phil Barnes was a great guy who taught at KGV and was much loved. Sadly a car accident took him young (in 2005), but he is still much present at the school.
Each year KGV have a Staff vs Sixth Form football game in his memory.
So I sign up.
Last evening the game was played after school. It was great. We were arranged in groups. So I rotated with 2 others in the right back position. It meant I could play for as long as I felt able and leave the field without being shamed.
Staff won eventually. It was 5-5 at full time. We went to penalties. Even I kicked one!
Final score was 20-19!!
Pic to follow when I can...