We were meeting other families at Pak Tam Au - which is at the top of our hill.
I decided we would all take the bus to the top of the hill as I was worried about the walk up being tiring. You will see why this is hilarious as you read on...
5 minutes on the bus and we arrive at Pak Tam Au and meet a group of families (probably 15 adults and children in all). Also 3 doggies.
Now 5km taking an hour for a stroll seemed about right. One family has 3 little boys and have been assured that the path is OK for a buggy.
I am feeling pretty confident just now.

The paths all look like this. Concreted - therefore easy on the feet.
So far, so good, as we meander uphill.

OK - so we are still going uphill and some of these bits are STEEP.
Good grief - it keeps going up.
Water doesn't come up hill, so where is the beach??
Can you see by the face that my sense of humour has failed?
Ah - view from the top.
Now that is stunning.
Light is hazy, which is fortunate, else we'd have died in the heat of the walk.
Nearly there eh? We've done 5 km. See the timing suggestion ?
2 hours
That is cos it is 3km straight up and 2km straight down.
See the huge lie on the other sign? 1/4 hour to go. We shall see...
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