Friday, May 1, 2009

H1N1 and Hong Kong

Living in the city at the centre of the more recent deadly outbreaks (1968 flu and SARs 2003) makes for calm reassurance.
Contingency planning has been in place for the longest time with a tendency to learn from the errors and to be over cautious.
As soon as the problems surfaced in Mexico, the shopping centres were disinfected. Yesterday Heather's school was done in 99% bleach solution top to bottom.
About 5 km from us is the Lady MacLehose Holiday Village. It is out of the way in the Sai Kung Country Park, up back lanes.
Yesterday it was shut so it could be prepared, as it forms the quarantine centre!!

If you remember SARS you may bring back the images of housing blocks and hospitals with people imprisoned inside.
HK has no qualms about pushing the sick in with poles and locking them in. This can only be a good thing when the time comes!
In HK Park a memorial stands to the health workers who braved the wards and died for others.

The Health Minister announced today that on the first confirmed case all schools will be closed. We will be teaching online if this happens.
The kids in school are obviously anxious as they remember SARS. They were only 6 or 7 at the time.
Masks are common here, all families have them as it is usual to wear one if you have a cold.

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